How To Make British Yorkshire Pudding Recipe

Yorkshire Puddings
It's easy to learn how to make british yorkshire pudding. british yorkshire pudding is one of my favorite menu.
How to make british yorkshire pudding easily?
In this recipe you will discover the simplest yet most flavourful way to make the british yorkshire pudding! Whether you're cooking for a small family dinner or a daytime potluck, follow these easy steps for some excellent bites!
Ingredients :
- 1 cup plain flour
- 1 free range egg
- 2-4 splashes milk
- Oil
Step :
- Mix together the flour, egg and milk untill smooth and thin (add the milk as you go along)
- Cover the bottom a cupcake tin with oil then heat in the oven for around 5 minutes untill it is just about to start smoking
- Once as runny as cream, pour into the cupcake tin (they should make a sizzling noise) then cook for 15-20 minutes at 220°C untill golden brown
That's british yorkshire pudding, Special thanks to Eibhlin for making this delicious recipe.
Resep Membuat Sayur Sop Daging Sedap

Sayur Sop Bumbu Padang
Halo mba, sekarang kita akan memasak sayur sop daging. sayur sop daging adalah salah satu masakan favorit .
Bagaimana cara membuat hidangan sayur sop daging?
Inilah infonya yang bisa kita ikuti untuk memasak sayur sop daging :
Bahan :
- 1 1/2 liter air
- 1 sachet kaldu ayam
- 5 sendok minyak goreng
- 2 buah wortel iris bulat 1 cm
- 1 buah tomat belah empat
- 5 buah buncis potong dua ruas jari
- 1 buah kentang potong dadu
- 1 batang daun bawang iris kasar
- 1 batang seledri petik daunnya
- 1/4 buah daun kol potong sesuai selera
- 50 gram makaroni spiral
- 5 butir bakso ayam potong tipis
- 3 butir bawang merah iris tipis
- 3 siung bawang putih haluskan
- 1 sdt merica haluskan
- 3 cm kayu manis haluskan
- 4 buah cengkeh haluskan
- 1 buah kapulaga haluskan
- 2 buah pekak haluskan
Langkah :
- Tumis bawang merah dan bumbu yang dihaluskan hingga wangi. Biasanya di pasar tradisional ada yang jual bumbu sop salero Padang, agar lebih praktis.
- Rebus air hingga mendidih. Masukan kentang, wortel lalu buncis sampai hampir matang.
- Masukan potongan bakso dan makaroni spiral.
- Masukan daun kol, daun bawang dan tomat. Tambahkan kaldu ayam serta garam dan gula sesuai selera.
- Masukan bawang merah dan bumbu halus yang sudah ditumis ke dalam wajan. Aduk rata.
- Masak hingga semua sayur matang sempurna. Lalu angkat dan sajikan.
Itulah cara membuat resep sayur sop daging, terimakasih banyak kepada Yolandio yang telah berbagi Sayur Sop Bumbu Padang.
Making Roasted Garlic Brussel Sprouts S Recipe

Roasted Brussels Sprouts
It's easy to learn how to make roasted garlic brussel sprouts . roasted garlic brussel sprouts is one of my favorite menu.
How to make roasted garlic brussel sprouts easily?
In this recipe you will discover the simplest yet most flavourful way to make the roasted garlic brussel sprouts ! Whether you're cooking for a small family dinner or a daytime potluck, follow these easy steps for some excellent bites!
Ingredients :
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 1 lb bacon, diced
- 3 clove garlic, minced
- 1 medium red onion, sliced
- 1 lb golden potatoes, cut into 1 inch pieces
- 2 lb Brussels spouts, halved
- 1 salt and pepper to taste
Step :
- Preheat oven to 425°F.
- Place in bacon in a roasting pan and place in the oven for about 15 minutes, turning half way.
- Remove bacon using a slotted spoon and place on a paper towel lined plate.
- Add oil, garlic, onion, Brussel sprouts, and potatoes to roasting pan. Toss to coat with oil and bacon grease. Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper.
- Return pan to oven and roast until vegetables are cooked through and crisp on the outside, 35 to 40 minutes. Stir occasionally to allow for uniform consistency.
- Remove from oven and add salt and pepper. Transfer to serving platter and top with reserved bacon.
That's roasted garlic brussel sprouts recipes, Special thanks to David for making this delicious recipe.
Making Cheesy Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Cheesy Meat & Potatoes
It's easy to learn how to make cheesy brussels sprouts recipe. cheesy brussels sprouts recipe is one of my favorite menu.
How to make cheesy brussels sprouts recipe easily?
In this recipe you will discover the simplest yet most flavourful way to make the cheesy brussels sprouts recipe! Whether you're cooking for a small family dinner or a daytime potluck, follow these easy steps for some excellent bites!
Ingredients :
- 3 lb Red potatoes, sliced thin
- 1 1/2 lb Ground beef
- 1 Onion, diced
- sauce
- 1 stick Butter
- 1/4 cup Flour
- 4 cup Milk
- 12 oz Cheese (I used velveeta, use any cheese you like)
- 2 tsp Garlic powder
- 1 tbsp Dried basil
- 1 tsp Fresh cracked black pepper
Step :
- Brown beef and onions in a skillet, season with salt and pepper to taste.
- While meat is browning, slice potatoes. Layer half in a large greased casserole dish.
- Drain hamburger and layer on top of potatoes. Top with remaining potatoes.
- Sauce: melt butter in a large skillet.
- Whisk in flour and spices. Stir and cook a few minutes.
- Begin adding milk, a cup at a time. Whisking continually as it thickens.
- Once all milk is added, add in the cheese (shredded or cubed if using American cheese). Whisk and cook until completely combined and thickened.
- Pour sauce evenly over potatoes.
- Bake at 375, uncovered, for an hour and 15 minutes or more. Check potatoes with a fork to make sure they are tender.
- Broil a few minutes to get a golden brown top if desired.
- Let cool a good 10-15 minutes before serving so you don't burn your face off!
That's cheesy brussels sprouts recipe, Special thanks to supernanny for making this delicious recipe.
Resep Membuat Soto Ayam Bening Kuning Sedap

Soto ayam kuning bening
Hi tante, sekarang kita akan membuat soto ayam bening kuning. soto ayam bening kuning merupakan salah satu masakan yang istimewa .
Bagaimana cara membuat makanan soto ayam bening kuning?
Berikut detailnya yang bisa kita ikuti untuk bikin soto ayam bening kuning :
Bahan :
- 1/4 kg ayam
- Mie bihun
- 2 batang Daun bawang
- Secukupnya kol
- Secukupnya tauge
- Jeruk limau
- Bumbu Halus•
- 3 bawang putih
- 1 cm kunyit
- 1 cm jahe
- 2 kemiri
- 1/2 sdt ketumbar
- Bumbu Lain•
- 7 bawang merah
- 1 sereh(geprek)
- 2 daun salam
- 2 daun jeruk(pisahkan batangnya)
- 1 cm laos (geprek)
- 1 tomat
- Secukupnya Garam
- Secukupnya lada
- Secukupnya penyedap rasa(saya pake royco ayam)
- Bawang goreng
Langkah :
- Cuci ayam kmudian rebus kira² 2 menit,kmudian rebus lagi smpe keluar kaldu dan pisahkan ayam dr kaldunya
- Iris² tipis bawang merah(tdk ikut dihaluskan) dan haluskan bumbu halus kmudian tumis bawang merah bersamaan dengan bumbu halus sampai harum
- Kemudian masukkan kedalam panci yg berisikan kaldu ayam dan masukkan laos,sereh,daun salam,daun jeruk,tomat dan tambahkan garam,lada dan penyedap
- Sambil menunggu matang goreng ayam yg sudah drebus jka sudah matang suwir² dan tmpatkan dalam wadah
- Jika sudah matang tes rasa kemudian siapkan magkuk yg sudah diisi dengan bihun,tauge, kol,daun bawang dan ayam suwir kmudian siram dengan kuah dan taburkan bawang goreng diatasnya
- Soto ayam kuning bening siap dihidangkan.paling nikmat disantap saat keadaan panas😊
Itulah cara membuat resep soto ayam bening kuning, terimakasih banyak kepada vivi musawa yang telah berbagi Soto ayam kuning bening.